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Further Education Teachers

Further Education Teachers are qualified to teach 14+ or 16+. Subjects and courses taught include academic and

vocational. Without Qualified Teacher Status (QTS), an FE Teacher can work within a Secondary School as an 'Instructor' or 'Cover Supervisor' and with authorisation from the school as an 'Un-qualified Teacher' FE Teachers are able to teach their subject within a secondary school and undertake specified work providing the school has been unable to appoint a Teacher with QTS.


As a Supply FE Teacher, your role would depend on the placement and whether you are required to carry out 'non specified'; or 'specified work'. For day to day, short-term cover, FE Teachers are generally booked into Secondary Schools as Cover Supervisors and would not be required to carry out 'specified work'; but to classroom manage, maintain discipline and ensure that pre-prepared work is being completed by pupils.


However, if you are placed in a Secondary School to teach your subject, a College or University as an FE Teacher/Lecturer, you would be expected to fully engage in teaching the students.


To work within a School you must be registered under the category as a ‘Further Education Teacher’ and or a ‘School Learning Support Assistant’.



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